Jeg tænkte at jeg lige ville tage mig lidt tid til at opdatere bloggen, selvom der ikke just er noget synderligt interessant at rapportere om, måske lige udover et lille sneaky køb...
Min bror kom hjem fra New York i går, hvor han har købt noget med hjem til mig fra Chanel. Mikkel og jeg hentede ham i lufthaven og da vi kom hjem til mine forældre stod den på lækre hjemmesmurte smørrebrød og dejlige danske jordbær til dessert. Personligt var jeg mest spændt på at se det han havde med hjem til mig og heldigvis levede købet fuldstændig op til mine forventninger og jeg glæder mig til at dele det med jer!
I går var i øvrigt første dag jeg havde mine Hermés sandaler på og de var ganske behagelige - i hvert fald til at starte med... Hen på aftenen begyndte de at skave (eller gnave, hvis du er fra Sjælland) en anelse, men jeg håber at de er nogenlunde gået til nu. Jeg krydser fingre!
Translation // Today I'm trying (and struggling) to write on my main task - but I'm the champion of procrastinating and that is the exact reason why this blog post exists... I'm normally more efficient at nighttime anyways, so I'm sure I'll get some work done later.
I just thought I'd update the blog in the meantime, not that there's anything exciting to report on- except maybe a sneaky little purchase...
My brother got home from New York yesterday and with him he had a little something I asked him to buy for me from Chanel. Mikkel and I picked him up from the airport and when we got to my parents' we enjoyed my mum's homemade smørrebrød and fresh Danish strawberries (it's doesn't really get more Danish than that!) Personally I was most excited about my purchase that he brought home and fortunately they do live up to my expectations and I can't wait to show you guys what I got!
I also wore my Hermés sandals for the first time yesterday and they were quite comfortable - at least for sometime as they did start to rub on my feet towards the end of the day but hopefully they'll be broken in the next time around.
this post makes me miss DK so much... the strawberries!! looking gorgeous! xxxx
ReplyDeleteThanks! xx Are the strawberries in the UK not quite as good? :)