Tuesday, 2 May 2017

New In // Sunnies

NEW IN Undskyld stilheden her på bloggen; mit mål om at poste mindst ét indlæg om ugen gik jo desværre ret hurtigt i vasken... Men nu er jeg tilbage og vi starter ud med et af mine seneste køb, disse lækre solbriller fra Miu Miu! Jeg købte dem i weekenden, hvor jeg var et smut i København med min mor og Mikkel. De er købt i Sunglass Hut i Illum, hvor de var sat ned med 20% - ikke værst! Det er mit andet par solbriller fra Miu Miu og jeg må indrømme, at jeg er stor fan af deres flotte indpakning! Den lyserøde farve er jo ganske ikonisk. 

Disse solbriller er et par klassiske, sorte med en smule cat eye facon. De er super lette, så man kan næsten ikke mærke at man har dem på, hvilket jeg er ret vild med. Har på fornemmelsen at disse bliver mine go to solbriller!

Translation // I'm sorry for not updating the blog lately! I know I had set a goal to post at least once a week but obviously things didn't go as planned. I'm back now though and to kick things off, I'm sharing one of my latest purchases, this pair of Miu Miu sunnies. I bought them this weekend, when I was in Copenhagen with my mum and Mikkel. They were 20% off in Sunglass Hut in Illum, and I simply couldn't resist! They are my second pair of Miu Miu sunglasses and I have to admit that I'm slightly obsessed with the pretty packaging. The pink colour is kinda iconic. 

These sunnies are a quite classic, black pair with a slight cat eye shape to them. They are super lightweight so you can hardly tell when you're wearing them, which I really like! I have a feeling they're going to be my go to pair of sunnies! 


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