Friday, 13 January 2017

And Then This Happened...

WEDDING Det var egentlig meningen, at jeg skulle have delt nyheden med jer langt før, men jeg har simpelthen ikke fået det gjort. 

...Men som I nok kan gætte; vi er blevet forlovet! Mikkel gik på knæ juleaften med den smukkeste ring og jeg sagde selvfølgelig ja! Det hele føltes meget surrealistisk, men nu er det så småt ved at synke ind og vi er begyndt at planlægge vores bryllup i sommeren '18. Jeg tænker at jeg måske vil dele en smule af planlægningen med jer henad vejen. Indtil videre har vi fastsat datoen, hyret fotograf og muligvis fundet stedet vi vil holde festen. Men der er meget der skal gøres endnu, og heldigvis har vi tid nok! 

Translation // I was meaning to share these news with you way sooner but I simply haven't gotten around to doing it. 

...But as you're probably able to guess, WE'RE ENGAGED! Mikkel got down on one knee on Christmas Eve and of course I said yes! The ring is absolutely stunning, my most beautiful possession - not only what it symbolises but also the aesthetic. It felt kinda surreal at first but now that it's slowly sinking in, we've started planning our wedding in the summer of '18. I'm considering sharing a bit of the planning as we go along, so far we've managed to set the date, hire a photographer and possibly found the venue. But there are a lot of things left to do but fortunately we have plenty of time to figure it out. 


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