Sunday, 18 September 2016

Baby Boomer Nails

BEAUTY I tirsdags fik jeg, som jeg har tidligere har nævnt, lavet negle. Jeg får dem lavet hos en pige her i Randers og hun er super dygtig! Jeg får mine naturlige negle forstærket med gele og denne gang fik jeg lavet de populære, såkaldte babyboomers. De er meget neutrale og har en smuk ombre effekt. Jeg er helt vild med dem, men desværre lader de ikke til at holde nær så godt som mit sidste sæt, så jeg skal lige have fat i hende, så hun evt. kan fikse det. Men looket er jeg helt vild med og jeg håber bestemt at de holder til min næste tid som er om nogle uger. 

Translation // I had my nails done Tuesday and I absolutely love them. This time I went with the style baby boomer which is a subtle ombre effect, a faded French. Pretty and neutral! Unfortunately they don't seem to last as well as my last set of nails which is a bit disappointing. I'll have to stop by my nail technician to see if there's anything she can do but she's super talented so I'm sure she'll be able to fix it.  

Saturday, 17 September 2016

On Saturdays, We Brunch

SATURDAY Dagen startede dejligt ud med en omgang brunch, hvilket var super lækkert! Derefter var det desværre tid til de lidt mere kedelige huslige sysler, som heldigvis er klaret og overstået nu. Jeg har derfor smidt mig på sofaen, hvor jeg har tænkt mig at opholde mig resten af aftenen. Mikkel skal til fødselsdag og i byen, hvor jeg egentlig også skulle have været med, men humøret er ikke lige til det. I stedet har jeg tænkt mig at se Sex and the City og slappe af og så håber jeg ellers at det kan hjælpe lidt på humøret. Måske jeg skulle forkæle mig selv lidt med en ansigtmaske og sådan? Vi får se.

Translation // The day started out with a lovely brunch that tasted absolutely delicious! After the feast it was time for the more boring domestic duties, which we are fortunately done with for today. I am now lying on the sofa where I intend to stay for the rest of the day. Mikkel is going to a birthday party which I was supposed to attend as well but I'm just not up for it. Instead I plan on watching Sex and the City and relax and hopefully that will cheer me up. Maybe do a bit of pampering? We'll see.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Is It Autumn Yet?

OUTFIT OF THE DAY Sommeren vil ingen ende tage og der er ikke spor tegn på efterår. Derfor måtte jeg også iføre mig kjole i går og det var først ud på aftenen at det blev nødvendigt med en striktrøje. 

Dog begynder jeg ligeså stille at længes efter det lidt køligere vejr, så jeg kan trække i de mørke farver, store striktrøjer og hygge med te og stearinlys. Men mon ikke det snart kommer? 

Translation // The summer won't seem to end and there are no signs of autumn yet. Therefor I had to pull a summer dress out from the closet yesterday and the cardigan wasn't needed until quite late. 

I am starting to long for lower temperatures though and I am looking forward to wearing darker colours, big sweaters and chilling with tea and candles. I wonder if that will happen anytime soon?  

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

How To Turn A Bad Day Around

TUESDAY På trods af en sløv start, endte dagen dog med at blive ret god alligevel. Efter jeg havde fået lavet fine negle (skal nok lige vise jer dem i morgen), havde jeg en aftale med min mor. Vi gik sammen ned i byen, hvor vi var et hurtigt smut i H&M og derefter tog vi på café og spiste lækker aftensmad. Jeg fik en frisk salat med fritter ved siden af og min mor en cremet pastaret. Der var ikke plads til dessert, så det må vi have til gode!

Lige nu ligger Mikkel og jeg bare i sengen og ser Luksusfælden. Vi tales i morgen!

Translation // In spite of a bad start to the day, it actually turned around and ended up rather lovely. After getting my nails done (I'll show you the result tomorrow), I had a date with my mom. We did a bit of shopping before heading for dinner at a café. I choose a fresh salad with a side of fries whereas my mom opted for a creamy pasta dish. Delicious! We had no room for dessert so we decided to save that for another time.

Right now Mikkel and I are chilling in bed, watching the Danish tv-show Luksusfælden (it's a show about people with finaciel problems which is both entertaining and interesting.)

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Add Some Spice To Your Life

INTERIOR Vores krydderier har i et par måneder stået samlet i en kurv, i et hjørne i stuen, hvilket hverken har været praktisk eller særligt kønt. Inden det måtte vi grave dem frem fra et skab, når de skulle bruges, hvilket altid endte med at kreere et værre rod! 

Nu har vi endelig et sted, hvor de kan stå fremme og er nemme at få fingrene i. Selvom jeg ikke ser frem til at skulle gøre dem rent for mados og fedt, så er det alligevel dejligt at de er, hvor de er, eftersom det ligesom var den bedste mulighed vi havde for at opbevare dem.

Krydderiglassene er fra Rosendahl og hylden er en gallerihylde fra Ikea og nu mangler jeg egentlig bare at fylde de sidste glas, samt sætte mærkater på (har altid så forbandet svært med at skelne løgpulveret fra hvidløget).

Translation // Our spices have been sitting in a basket for the last couple of months, in the corner of our living room which has been far from pretty nor practical. Before that they were hidden away in a cupboard and we basically had to dig them out every time we needed them for cooking which always ended up creating such a mess on the countertops. 

Now we finally have a place where we can easily grab them when needed and although I'm dreading having to clean them from all the grease that inevitable is gonna get on them from cooking, I am still very pleased! 

The spice jars are from Rosendahl and the shelf is a gallery shelf from Ikea. All that is left to do now is fill the empty jars and add some sort of labels (I always have such a hard time telling the onion powder from the garlic). 

Saturday, 10 September 2016

My New Header

UPDATE Admittedly strongly inspired by one of my favourite Danish bloggers, I have got a new header. I first saw this kind of pretty header on Emily Salomon's blog and felt so inspired that I knew I had to get one similar.

Fortunately I've got a friend, Christina, who's an amazing artist and together we came up with this design. I arranged some of my favourite things; things I enjoy and things I find particularly aesthetically pleasing. These are all things that I own and love, and most of them are actually on display in our flat. Not only is the drawing absolutely beautiful and eye-catching but I feel like it does a great job at representing me. I'm happy it's the first thing you see when you enter my blog!

And of course credit should be given where credit is due so please go check out Christina's Facebook page or her DeviantArt, and if you're interested in getting a drawing made or another piece of her art yourself, please do not hesitate to contact her. She is amazing!

I am definitely gonna get the drawing framed and hang it up somewhere in the flat, I just need to find the perfect place for it - it's too beautiful not to!

How do you guys like the new design?

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Chicken Quesadillas

FOOD Another day, another Mexican meal. It would seem that I've become slightly obsessed with trying out new variations of Mexican food, since my succes last week when I made enchiladas. This week I decided to make quesadillas, not an entirely new territory for me as I have tried making it before but that was years back. Therefor I couldn't really remember the recipe nor the procedure but I think I succeeded anyways. At least Mikkel was more than pleased with dinner. Here is the recipe for my chicken quesadillas:
Cut the chicken into smaller pieces and cook it in a bit of margarine. Add the fajita seasoning.
Cut some red onion(s) into small dices and do the same with the bell pepper.
 Mix the chicken, bell pepper, sweet corn, red onion and some of the cheese in a bowl.
Then it's time assemble: put a tortilla wrap on a hot pan, add the mixture onto one half and add plenty of cheese on top. The cheese is gonna act as 'glue' to close the tortilla wrap.
Cook it on both sides until nice and golden brown. If you want you can then put it in the oven to keep it warm and make it extra crispy.
Cut the wrap into three slices and serve.

Enjoy with a side of guacamole, sour cream and perhaps a couple of cherry tomatoes.

Friday, 2 September 2016

August Favourites

FAVOURITES I thought I would start doing monthly posts on things that have stood out to me the recent month, my favourites so to speak. Things I have been loving and that has made an impact on me so here is the first edit, my August favourites.

This month I of course had to include my major splurge and investment, my Chanel bag. I have been wearing it nonstop (except for school, it doesn't exactly fit my Macbook.) A special purchase like that is obviously gonna stand out for a long time and I have a feeling it's gonna be my favourite for the rest of my life.

As for favourite beauty products I have a few new products as well as some oldies but goodies.

I have been loving the Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Kit, it's smooth and blends beautifully. I kinda wonder how I got on without it because it makes a huge difference in my makeup routine.

The Laura Mercier Secret Brightening Powder has quickly become a stable in my everyday makeup routine as it sets my under eye concealer and erases any fine lines, I'm a big fan!

For my brows I have been loving the good old trusty Benefit Gimme Brow. It's great for a lazy person like me, as it doesn't require nearly as much time as filling my brows in with a powder and a pencil. It makes my brows look full but still natural. I'm running out of it so I need to get another one and I'm excited to do so because they have changed the packaging and it looks rather fancy now.

I've also gotten a new favourite highlighter, the Becca x Jaclyn Hill Shimmering Skin Perfector in Champagne Pop. I love applying it to the inner corners of my eyes, my Cupid's bow and on my brow bone.

For my hair I have been using the Moroccanoil Treatment and I really feel like it's made a huge difference on my hair. My hair hasn't grown as well the last couple of years but now it's actually growing and I find it to be rather healthy.

My favourite scent this month has been the Yves Saint Laurent Parisienne. I use it everyday and I like how it's fresh and feminine and I just really love the smell of it. If I could I would it describe it for you but frankly I'm terrible at that, instead I'll include the notes which are; cranberry, blackberry, damask rose, violet, peony, leather, patchouli, vetiver, musk and sandalwood.

Lastly I thought I would include my current favourite song which is Closer by The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey. I love listening to it really loud when I'm home alone which I'm sure our neighbours are probably getting sick and tired of by now.

I would love to know what your favourites have been this past month! 


Thursday, 1 September 2016

Easy Enchiladas

FOOD My boyfriend and I are creatures of habit. Especially when it comes to food as we tend to cook and eat the same things over and over again. This probably comes down to the fact that I'm the one in charge of cooking; I'm quite lazy, somewhat picky and I also lack imagination when it comes to meal ideas.

Today though, I felt like cooking something new so I decided to make Mexican in a completely different way than we're used to. Usually for Mexican we will cook some sort of meat for our tortilla wraps and then have a wide selection of lettuce, vegetables and various accompaniments. This is a great way to get Mexican food, especially if you have guests over but when it's just the two of us, it is a lot of work to prepare and clean all the bowls with garnish.

After searching the whole wide web I ended up making my own, easy version of enchiladas. They turned out great and Mikkel in particular was a big fan! So if you want a delicious recipe for quick and easy enchiladas, have a look down below:

First thing first you wanna cook the minced beef until it's nice and brown. Then add your taco seasoning and when that's completely incorporated, add the kidney beans and sweet corn.  
Next you wanna add the cream and give it a good stir so it looks something like this. (Might not look too appetizing at this point but trust me it'll turn out great!) 
Spread some taco sauce on a tortilla wrap and then add some of the meat mixture and roll it as tightly as possible.

Put the tortilla wraps in an ovenproof dish and apply some taco sauce on top. 
Time for the grand finale, THE CHEESE! Add however much cheese you can handle and put the dish in the oven until the cheese has melted and become golden brown. 
Finally sprinkle some fresh parsley on top and enjoy with some rice and taco sauce. Bon appetit!

LV Addict

NEW IN Ever since I got my very first Louis Vuitton item almost one year ago, my collection has been growing rapidly. Getting my Louis Vuitton wallet sparked something that has now developed into what seems like an addiction. And an expensive one at it! My collection now consists of a wallet, two handbags and my two latest purchases; a bracelet and a key holder. These latest acquisitions might be minor items but I love them to pieces.

I have been on the hunt for the bracelet since December but wherever I went, it was sold out in my size. A few weeks ago, luck was finally on my side and I was able to get it in Hamburg (when I went to Chanel to exchange my bag.) I like how small and subtle it is and even with the monogram it doesn't scream Louis Vuitton to me which makes it perfect for everyday use.

The other item was rather hard to come by as well, but only because of the interior, the Rose Ballerine colour. Luckily the Copenhagen store was able to track it down for me and ship it to the other end of the country.
When I bought my Chanel bag, I knew I wanted to get a key holder to avoid my keys leaving scratches on the inside of the bag. I didn't want to splurge on a Chanel one so I went with a less crazy expensive one and I must say I'm thrilled with my choice. I love Louis Vuitton and I absolutely adore the light pink colour. It's a perfect match!

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