Monday, 22 August 2016

A Slight Change

UPDATE So I've made a descission to continue this blog in English. Why you may ask?

Well first of all I wanna improve my English skills. I would say that my Danish is fine as is but there is definitely room for improvement when it comes to my English. With that being said, I guess I should really go for German but I'm simply no near skilled enough to do that, so for now I'm gonna go with English.

Secondly I wanna be able to reach as many people as possible. I want my dear friend Catherine who lives in Wales to be able to read the blog and also any other of you international readers. I'm sure any Danish reader will get along just fine with the blog being in English whereas you other guys might have a pretty hard time with the Danish.

This might not be permanent as I could grow tired of having to look certain words up, double check the grammar and feel a little lost at times but hopefully I won't. I'm hoping to stick to it and get better along the way.

Ps. please don't count the number of times I've actually written Danish or English in this post. It's quite frankly ridiculous.


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