Sunday, 3 April 2016

Summerbird Chocolate

INDULGENCE I starten af påskeferien havde jeg besøg af mine veninde Catherine. Hun ankom torsdag inden ferien, hvor jeg hentede hende i Billund lufthavn, viftende med et dansk flag naturligvis. Aftenen tilbragte vi med en lækker omgang aftensmad, en masse små anretninger med noget hvidvin til og så var vi et smut på bar for at få en enkelt øl. Om fredagen skulle jeg i skole, men da jeg kom hjem, tog vi et smut til Århus for at shoppe og spise aftensmad.

I Magasin blev vi fristet af Summerbird's lækre chokolade og vi gik begge derfra med en pose fyldt (læs: fyldt er måske så meget sagt, det er ikke ligefrem billigt) med chokolade. Hvis I mangler en værtindegave eller har en særlig lejlighed, hvor en omgang god chokolade er på sin plads, så vil jeg klart anbefale at tage et smut forbi Summerbird. Vi fik en super god ekspedering, fik lov at smage på tingene og det var i det hele taget en god oplevelse. Aldrig har jeg nydt at købe chokolade, som jeg gjorde det den dag.

Translation // A few weeks ago my friend Catherine came to stay for a few days. I picked her up at the airport Thursday, waving a Danish flag of course. We spent the night with a nice dinner, a lot of small dishes paired with a bottle of white and after that we went out for a beer before heading to bed. I had school on Friday but when I got home we headed straight to Aarhus to do some shopping and have dinner at our favourite café. 

In the department store Magasin we got tempted by the delicious Summerbird chocolate and we both left with a bag filled with various kinds of chocolate. It's not the cheap kind of chocolate that you get and eat up in one go. It's indulging. You wanna save it and only end up eating a bit of it, yet it leaves you satisfied. Also, the service was great! We got to taste a few flavours and the shop assistant was really helpful. I didn't think buying chocolate could be such an experience but it actually was. 


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