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Gucci bæltet: (kan købes her)
- Meget trendy og in style lige nu. Det er selvfølgelig både et plus og minus, for man kan hurtigt blive træt af de der meget trendy ting, man ser overalt. Omvendt er det en fantastisk mulighed for at få inspiration til stylingen og det er virkelig et brugbart bælter, der fuldender et hvert outfit! Jeg ved ikke om I kan huske det yderst populære Moschino bælte? Jeg har det bælte og selvom jeg stadig bruger det en sjælden gang, så er det ikke meget jeg får det brugt og ja, det ligger bare i skabet.
- Prisen. Gucci bæltet koster lidt over 2600 kr., hvilket er betydeligt mindre end Hermes bæltet.
- Farverne. Jeg er meget splittet mellem det brune og sorte bælte med en guld bæltespænde. Jeg elsker begge farver og jeg ved ærligt talt ikke, hvilket jeg helst vil have, selvom sort selvfølgelig er det sikre valg.
Hermes bæltet: (kan købes her)
- Klassisk og tidløst.
- Prisen. Hermes bæltet (den model jeg kigger på) koster den nette sum af 4850 kr.
- Farvevalg. Det er givetvist det største plus ved Hermes bæltet, nemlig muligheden for at vende bæltet om, hvilket egentlig betyder at du får 2 bælter i 1 og i den forstand er det jo faktisk en bedre pris end Gucci bæltet, fordi det ville koste omkring 5200 kr., hvis du ønskede to farver. Man kan, så vidt jeg ved, også købe spænderne og bælterne seperat, så du på den måde får et endnu større udvalg som kan bruges på kryds og tværs. Der er desuden et større udvalg af farvekombinationer, bæltespænder samt forskellige overflader.
Lige i tiden hælder jeg måske nok mest til Gucci bæltet, givetvis fordi jeg netop ser det alle steder! Dog føler jeg stadig, at Hermes bæltet vil være en bedre investering og det er altså en vigtig faktor at tage in mente, når man skal investere i så dyre ting.
Nu er spørgsmålet til jer så; hvilket bælte foretrækker I og hvorfor?
Translation // I actually had a conversation with my dear friend Catherine about this exact topic a few months ago 'The Gucci vs. the Hermes Belt'. Catherine was madly in love with the Gucci belt and wanted to get my opinion and I told her that I thought she should get a Hermes belt instead. Not because I din't like the Gucci belt but solely because I thought it would be a better investment in the long run. I've been seeing the Gucci belt everywhere and on everyone and I have to admit that I've fallen in love too. It has grown on me to an extend where I'm actually unsure which belt I should go for myself and that's how this blog post came into the world. I thought I'd ask for your opinion so let's do a small comparison of the two.
The Gucci belt:
- Very trendy and in style at the moment. This is both a pro and a con in the sense that it might bot be in style in a few months and you could eventually grow sick of seeing it everywhere and ultimately sick of wearing it. On the other hand because it is so trendy you can easily find inspiration on how to wear it and it really is a versatile item that dresses up any outfit. I don't know if you guys remember the Moschino belt that was oh so trendy a couple of years ago - I have that one and although I still wear it occasionally, I don't get that much wear out of it and these days I'm kinda just over and done with it.
- Price point. The Gucci belt is priced at € 350 which is considerably less than the Hermes belt.
- Colours. I'm so torn between the tan and the black belt with the gold buckle. I love both colours and I honestly have a hard time deciding which one I love and need more. Both colours would go well with a lot of things in my wardrobe but obviously black would be the safest option.
The Hermes belt:
- Classic and timeless. The design is obviously very classic and arguably more timeless that the Gucci one which is considered more contemporary. The Hermes belt has been around for years and it's still popular. One thing that I can't decide on though, is where it might be more suited for older women and business type of outfits? I don't know, it might just be me...
- Price point. Almost double the price of the Gucci. The one I'm considering is around € 640 (I don't know the exact price but I did convert the Danish price)
- Colour selection. Now this is probably the biggest con of the Hermes belt - the belt is reversible which means you essentially get two belts in one. That in a sense also makes the Hermes belt less than the Gucci belt since it would cost you € 700 to get two colour options. As far I know you can also buy different leather straps and buckles and use them interchangeable which is really great! I also love the fact that there are different colours combos and different buckles as well as finishes to choose from. That way it's a bit more of personal preference.
At the moment I'm kinda leaning towards the Gucci belt but then again, I do think the Hermes belt might be a better investment and when it comes to splurging on items like this I do think that is an important factor to take into consideration.
Now my question to you guys is; which belt do you prefer and why? Please let me know because I really need help deciding!